Glass Replacement: If glass is broken in a picture frame, storm window, aluminum or wood frame, they can cut a replacement to fit any dimension and install it back to its original form. They also repair ripped screen windows and doors. Should you experience a break or fogging with a dual-pane, tri-pane or low E coated window and door, they can remove the existing glass unit and replace it with a new one so you do not have the additional expense of a new window casing or door system.

Stained Glass: Whether your looking to replace minor breaks or missing pieces, they will find an exact match or closest for your restoration. Should anything begin to buckle or come undone, they will access the structural integrity and pass judgement on a fix, complete rebuild or recommend structural support. No matter how laboring, they are most certainly your stained glass experts.

Painted Church Windows: Having practiced traditional pigment painting techniques from Europe, they are one out of a handful of people that restore painted windows to their original format all by hand. From simple single-layer firings for silhouettes to complicated multi-layered firings for physical features, garments, minute details, dimension and depth, there will be no distinction between the restored glass pieces and the original, making it absolutely complimentary. 




655 Archibald Street  . Winnipeg, MB  . R2J0X9  .  P: 1-204-235-1050  .  E: